January 6, 2007 – Maxson Debuts New Web Site

1.6.07Our new site has launched. We hope our improved design results in a better online experience for our current clients and ones we have yet to meet.

Part of our redesign strategy was to provide our visitors with a highly intuitive method for finding the information they want. Our product section offers three different ways to access our product line. One can research our products by alphabetical listing, by industry type, or product category. We believe this multi-approach will enable our customers to find the solutions they are looking for.

At Maxson, our customer relationship only begins at the point of sale. We pride ourselves on our superb customer service. Our redevelopment of our customer service section is aimed at providing multiple ways for our customers to improve their efficiency and productivity.

In our company profile section, you will find updated information regarding our key personnel, our company history, and contact information. Maxson is a business that prides itself on its history and its people. As stated in our mission, we are committed to customer satisfaction, teamwork, and trust. Enjoy the new site. Give us your feedback. We are always looking to improve your experience.