MAXSON AUTOMATIC MACHINERY COMPANY offers a retrofit package that upgrades existing stationary bed knife cutters with state of the art dual knife rotary technology. The compact design allows for straightforward replacement of the older cutter with minimal interruption of ongoing production. The retrofit package can be fit to any rotary sheeter.
The two cross-cutting revolvers increase production by allowing knife loading up to 1000 pounds/3300 ft2 (800 grams/meter2). The unique blade adjustment clamps allow fine-tuning of the cross-cut blades and extend knife life to four times that of conventional cutters.
The dual knife design mounts both top and bottom blades in rotating cylinders coupled together with anti-backlash gearing. The blades’ synchronized speeds to the web result in the cleanest, quietest, dust-free cross-cutting action available. Outfitted with digital electronic controls, accuracy within +/- 0.010” (+/- 0.254 mm) is maintained. Because the blades’ speeds match the speed of the web at the time of cut, no adjustment for squareness is required. Contact us today to learn more about this and other retrofits to improve performance.